Showing posts with label Structural Organisation in Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Structural Organisation in Animals. Show all posts

15 June 2021

Structural Organisation in Animals, Worksheet Class 11 Chapter 7


Name: ______________________ Roll no. _____, Class 11 Biology, Chapter 7

A          Fill in the blanks.                                                                                   17

1.      Three types of cell junctions are found in the ________ and other tissues. These are called ___________, _________ and _________.

2.      Cartilage, bone, blood and adipose tissue are specialized ________ tissue.

3.      _________ is a fluid tissue with _________ functions.

4.      _________ tissue is a reservoir of stored food.

5.      Skeletal muscle is the muscle tissue attached to ___________.

6.      _________________ muscle is a component of internal organs.

7.      ________________ are the basic units of nervous tissue.

8.      Endocrine glands secrete mucus, ________, earwax, _______, milk, ________ etc.

9.      The bone cells are also called _______; and they are present in the spaces called _________.

10.  Full form of PCT is ______________________________________________.

 B         Match Columns A and B                                                                          4



1.      Neuroglea

a)      Adipose tissue

2.      Collagen fibres

b)      Nervous tissue

3.      Fat

c)      Connective tissue  

4.      Platelets

d)      Blood


C          What are the cellular components of blood?                                           2






D          Describe various types of epithelial tissues with the help of labeled diagrams.   2