24 August 2021

To study and identify the given zoological specimens

Aim: To study and identify the given zoological specimens

 Materials Required: Models, slides or pictures of:

Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, testis gland, ovary gland

Bones of forelimb, bones of leg, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle

TS of kidney, TS of stomach, TS of small intestine (ileum), TS of lung


Pituitary gland

(i)                 It is also known as the hypophysis. It is a pea-sized endocrine gland situated at the base of our brain.

(ii)                It is often referred to as the ‘Master Gland’

(iii)             It has three main parts: Anterior pituitary, Intermediate pituitary and Posterior pituitary.

(iv)             Intermediate pituitary is absent in adult human.

(v)               The anterior pituitary syntheses and secretes hormones like Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Luteinising Hormone (LH), Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH) etc.

(vi)             The posterior pituitary stores and secretes ADH and Oxytocin.


Thyroid gland

(i)                 The thyroid gland is a ductless endocrine gland situated in the anterior of the neck.

(ii)               It roughly resembles the shape of a butterfly.

(iii)             It secretes two hormones:  Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine hormone (T4).

(iv)             It consists of two lobes and parathyroid glands are present on their posterior surfaces.





Adrenal gland

(i)                 The Adrenal Glands are found on top of each kidney.

(ii)               The right gland is pyramidal in shape and the left gland is semi-lunar in shape.

(iii)             There are three layers of adrenal cortex called zones.

(iv)             Zona glomerulosa – It secretes mineralocorticoids like aldosterone

(v)               Zona fasciculata It is responsible for producing corticosteroids like cortisol

(vi)             Medulla region secretes catecholamines (such as adrenaline and noradrenaline).





(i)                 They are the primary sex organ of the male.

(ii)               They are the oval bodies, around 1.5 to 3 inches in length.

(iii)             They are present in the scrotal sac outside the body.

(iv)             They produce male sex hormones and sperms.

(v)               Seminiferous tubules are present in the testes.





(i)                 They are the primary sex organ of the female.

(ii)               These organs are situated one on both the side of the lower abdomen.

(iii)             Each ovary measures about 2 to 4 cm in length which is then connected to the uterus and pelvic wall through ligaments.

(iv)             They produce female sex hormones and ovum.

(v)               Ovary has two zones – outer cortex and the inner medulla.

(vi)             The cortex consists of various ovarian follicles in different stages of development.




Bones of forelimb

(i) It is made up of bones consisting of humerus, radius and ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.

(ii) Humerus is a straight bone with a long shaft, and forms the upper arm.

(iii) The head of the humerus fits into the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle.

(iv) Radius-ulna consists of 2 (two) separate bones of the forearm namely radius and ulna.

(v) Carpals consist of 8 (eight) small bones arranged in two rows. It forms the wrist.

(vi) Metacarpals are made up of 5 (five) long bones forming the palm of hand.

(vii) Phalanges consist of 2 (two) in the thumb and, 3 (three) bones in the remaining four fingers, thus totalling 14 (fourteen) bones.




Bones of hind-limb

(i) It is made up of femur, tibia and fibula, patella (knee cap) tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges.

(ii) The femur is the longest bone. The head of femur fits into the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle.

(iii) Tibia-fibula consists of two separate bones namely tibia and fibula and is present in the shank region of leg.

(iv) There are 7 (seven) tarsal bones, which are arranged in two rows to form the ankle.

(v) Metatarsals consist of 5 (five) bones and form foot.

(vi) Phalanges consist of 2 (two) bones in big toe and three bones in each of the remaining toes thus totalling 14 (fourteen) bones.




Pectoral girdle

(i) It consists of a clavicle and a scapula.

(ii) Scapula is a large triangular flat bone with a slightly elevated ridge called spine. The spine projects as a flat, expanded process called the acromion.

(iii) The clavicle is a long slender bone with two curvatures. The clavicle articulates with the acromion.

(iv) Below the acromion is a depression called the glenoid cavity, for articulation of the head of the humerus to form the shoulder joint.




Pelvic girdle

(i) It consists of two halves.

(ii) Each half is formed by the fusion of three bones - ilium, ischium and pubis.

(iii) At the point of fusion of the above bones is a cavity called acetabulum to which the thigh bone articulates.

(iv) The two halves of the pelvic girdle meet ventrally to form the pubic symphysis.


TS of Kidney

1.      The glomerular capsule surrounds the glomerulus.

2.      There is a cavity called the glomerular capsular space (Bowman’s / urinary space).

3.      The kidney filtration apparatus is formed by three layers of tissue; endothelium of the glomerular capillaries, glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and podocytes (visceral layer of renal capsule).

4.      Thick descending limb of the Henle’s loop and the distal tubule are composed of simple cuboidal epithelium.

5.      In the vascular pole of the nephron, collection of cells called the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) is present.



TS of Stomach

1.      The stomach wall consists of 4 layers of tissue: Serosa, muscularis externa, submucosa and mucosa.

2.      The inner wall has folds known as rugae, or gastric folds.

3.      Gastric mucosa. It is formed by a layer of surface epithelium and an underlying lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. The surface epithelium is a simple columnar epithelium.

4.      Gastric pits are formed by invaginations of the surface epithelium. Gastric pits connect to gastric glands.

5.      Gastric glands are long, branched, tubular structures, present in the lamina propria.




TS of Small Intestine (Ileum)


1.      Ileum is the last part of the small intestine.

2.      The mucosa of the ileum consists of simple columnar epithelium comprising of enterocytes and goblet cells.

3.      Mucosa: Simple columnar epithelium; also contains Peyer's patches

4.      Submucosa: Contains nerves and blood vessels

5.      Tunica muscularis: Circular and longitudinal muscle layers

6.      Tunica serosa: Simple squamous epithelium



TS of Lung

1.      Lumen of the bronchioles can be seen as an empty space with irregular circular shape or with tapering ends.

2.      Most of the respiratory epithelium is ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium.

3.      The ciliated cells control the actions of the mucociliary escalator, a primary defence mechanism of the lungs that removes debris.

4.      Goblet cells are goblet-shaped and are filled with mucin granules.

5.      The basal cells connect to the basement membrane and provide the attachment layer of the ciliated cells and goblet cells.

To study and identify the given botanical specimens

 Aim: To study and identify the given botanical specimens

 Materials Required: Actual sample or pictures of grains/seeds/fruit/plant/flowers of:

Wheat, rice, maize, bajra, gram, pea, mango, banana, apple

Mustard, groundnut, castor, coconut, sunn-hemp, munj, cotton

Opium, turmeric, heeng, jeera, saunf, ajwain, tea, clove, chillies, black pepper


Wheat (Triticum  aestivum ) Family: Poaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed - caryopsis

2.      It is a monocot cereal crop.

3.      It is a rabi crop.

4.      Inflorescence is spike of spikelets.

5.      Used as staple food in north India and various countries.

6.      Used also as a cattle feed.


Rice/Paddy (Oryza sativa ) Family: Poaceae

 1.      Useful plant part: Seed - caryopsis

2.      It is a monocot cereal crop.

3.      It is mainly a kharif crop.

4.      Inflorescence is spike of spikelets .

5.      Used as staple food in south India and east India; and various countries.

6.      Used also as a cattle feed.


 Maize (Zea mays ) Family: Poaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed - caryopsis

2.      It is a monocot cereal crop.

3.      It is a kharif crop.

4.      Inflorescence is spadix.

5.      It is a monoecious plant. Male followers – tassel, Female follower – cob.

6.      Used as staple food in mountainous regions; and various countries.

7.      Used also as a cattle feed.


Bajra / Pearl Millet (Penisettum typhoides )

1.      Useful plant part: Seed - caryopsis

2.      It is a monocot cereal crop.

3.      It is a kharif crop.

4.      Inflorescence is spike.

5.      Used as staple food in arid and semi arid regions. 

6.      Used also as a cattle feed.


Gram (Cicer arietinum ) Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is a dicot pulse crop.

3.      It is a rabi crop.

4.      Inflorescence is solitary axilary. Fruit is legume.

5.      Root nodules with Rhizobium bacteria are present.

6.      Used as a source of protein and carbohydrate in food.

7.      Used also as a cattle feed.


 Pea (Pisum sativum) Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is a dicot pulse crop; and an annual climber herb.

3.      It is a rabi crop.

4.      Inflorescence is racemose. Fruit is legume pod.

5.      Root nodules with Rhizobium bacteria are present.

6.      Used as a source of protein and carbohydrate in food.

7.      Used also as a cattle feed.



Mango (Mangifera indica ) Family: Anacardiaceae

 1.      Useful plant part: Mesocarp of fruit

2.      It is a large perennial tree. Gives fruit in summer.

3.       Inflorescence is compound racemose.

4.      Fruit is a drupe.

5.      It is a popular fruit and also used for making juice.

6.      Wood of the tree is also very useful.



Banana (Musa paradisica ) Family: Musaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Fruit

2.      It is a moncot, herbaceous, perennial and tree-like plant with pseudo stem.

3.      It has a rhizome under the ground.

4.      Inflorescence is spadix. Fruit is a berry, but without viable seeds.

5.      It is a popular fruit and also used for making juice and many dishes.

6.      Its broad leaves are traditionally used as plates.



Apple (Pyrus malus ) Family: Rosaceae

 1.     Useful plant part: Fruit

2.      It is a deciduous tree grown in Himalayan regions of north India.

3.      Its fruit is a pome which is a modification of thalamus.

4.      It is a popular fruit and also used for making juice.

5.      Wood of the tree is also very useful.


Mustard (Brassica campestris ) Family: Brassicaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is a rabi crop.

3.      It is an annual herb.

4.      Inflorescence is raceme and yellow in colour.

5.      Fruit is siliqua.

6.      Used to get cooking oil. Useful as medicine, for tanning etc.


 Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal ) Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is a dicot pulse crop; and an annual herb.

3.      It is a rabi crop.

4.      Leaves are tri-foliate. Fruit is lomentum and grows underground.

5.      Root nodules with Rhizobium bacteria are present.

6.      Used as a source of protein, fat and carbohydrate in food.

7.      Used also as a cattle feed.

8.      Oil is produced for cooking.



Castor (Ricinus communis ) Family: Euphorbiaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is a small tree herbaceous as well as woody stem.

3.      Leaves are broad and palmately compound.

4.      Inflorescence is raceme. 

5.      Fruit is schizocarpic regma. Seeds are non-endospermic.

6.      It produces oil which is not used for cooking. But used as lubricant, varnish etc.


 Coconut (Cocos nucifera ) Family: Arecaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Endosperm and mesocarp of fruit

2.      It is a palm tree. Grows mainly on sea coast.

3.      Inforscence is spadix.

4.      Fruit is drupe. Mesocarp fibrous.

5.      It is a popular fruit and used for making cooking oil.

6.      Fibres are also useful.


 Sunn-hemp (Crotolaria juncea ) Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)

1.      Useful plant part: Stem fibre

2.      It is an annual shrub with yellow flowers.

3.      Bundles are stems are kept under soil and the fibres get separated.

4.      Used for making ropes, bags, mats etc.

5.      Dry leaves are used as cattle fodder.


 Munj ( Saccharum munja ) Family: Poaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Leaf fibres and stem

2.      It is a tall perennial grass.

3.      Stem is thick. It is used in handicraft for making stool, chair etc.

4.      Fibres are obtained from leaf sheath.

5.      It is used for making ropes, mats and baskets.

6.      Young leaves are used as cattle fodder.


Cotton (Gossypium sp.) Family: Malvaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed and seed coat fibres

2.      It is a perennial herb or shrub.

3.      Stem is hard and branched.

4.      Fibres grow on the seeds which are used as common cotton.

5.      Cotton fibres contain cellulose.

6.      Cotton used in textile, first aid, etc

7.      Oil can be produced from seeds. It is used as cooking oil.


 Opium (Papaver somniferum ) Family: Papaveraceae

1.      Useful plant part: Unripe capsule

2.      It is an annual herb and medicinal crop grown in Rajasthan, MP etc.

3.      Flower is solitary, terminal and colourful.

4.      Fruit is a capsule which produces latex.

5.      The latex has many alkaloids like codeine, morphine etc.

6.      It has many medicinal uses. It is also narcotic.

7.      Seeds are used in cooking.


Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) Family: Zingiberaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Underground rhizome

2.      It is a perennial herb.

3.      Leaves are broad, rhizome is small and thick.

4.      It is used as a spice, colouring and aromatic agent.

5.      It has many medicinal properties. Like blood purifier, expectorant, antiseptic etc.



Heeng (Ferula asafoetida ) Family: Apiaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Root

2.      It is a perennial herb.

3.      Its roots are thick and succulent having sulphur compound.

4.      It is used as a spice and flavouring agent.

5.      It has many medicinal properties.


Jeera / Cumin (Cuminum cyminum ) Family: Apiaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is an annual herb.

3.      Inflorescence is umbel.

4.      Fruit is cremocarp.

5.      It is used as a spice and also in various ayurvedic medicines.


Saunf / Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ) Family: Apiaceae

1.       Useful plant part: Seed

2.      It is an annual herb.

3.      Inflorescence is umbel.

4.      Fruit is cremocarp.

5.      It is used as a spice and also in various ayurvedic medicines.


 Ajwain / Carom (Trachyspermum ammi ) Family: Apiaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Seed and fruit

2.      It is an annual herb.

3.      Inflorescence is umbel.

4.      Fruit is cremocarp.

5.      It is used as a spice and also in various ayurvedic medicines.


Tea (Camellia sinensis ) Family: Theaceae

1.      Useful plant part: Leaves

2.      It is an evergreen shrub.

3.      It grows on slopes at high altitude.

4.      Leaves are cured through CTC (crush, tear and curl) process for use as beverage.

5.      It has alkaloids like tannin, caffeine etc.

6.      It is a popular beverage and also has medicinal properties.


 Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum ) Family: Myrtaceae

1.      Useful plant part: unopened flower buds

2.      It is a perennial and evergreen plant.

3.      Grows mainly in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

4.      It is an important spice and flavouring agent.

5.      Clove oil is used in tooth paste, perfume, medicines etc


Chillies (Capsicum annum ) Family: Solanaceae

1.      Useful plant part: unripe and ripe fruit

2.      It is an annual herb.

3.      Its fruit is a berry.

4.      It has capsaicin, a crystalline phenolic substance which gives it a hot taste.

5.       It is used as vegetable and spice.


Black pepper ( Piper nigrum ) Family: Piperaceae

1.      Useful plant part: unripe and ripe fruit

2.      It is a creeper shrub.

3.      Grows mainly in southern states.

4.      It is an important spice.

5.      It has several medicinal properties also.