09 September 2023

To show experimentally that carbon dioxide is released during respiration


Experiment No. ______                 Date: __________

Aim: To show experimentally that carbon dioxide is released during respiration

Materials Required: A conical flask, a beaker, a cork with a hole, a glass tube bent at right angles at two places, an ignition tube, KOH solution, thread, coloured water.


1. Take the conical flask and place some germinating gram or pea seeds in it.

2. Insert the shorter end of the glass tube through the hole in the cork and fix it on the conical flask.

3. Before fixing the cork, hang an ignition tube containing KOH solution inside the conical flask with the help of a thread.

4. Take coloured water in the beaker and keep the longer end of the glass tube dipped inside it.

5. Make the conical flask airtight by applying Vaseline on its rim.

6. Note the initial level of water in the tube.

7. Observe and note the rise in the water level after an hour, without disturbing the apparatus.


Water level rises up in the bent tube.


The rise in the level of water indicates that CO2 is produced by germinating seeds during respiration. Actually, the germinating seeds respire and produce CO2, which is absorbed by KOH solution. This creates a vacuum in the conical flask. The air present in the bent glass tube moves into the conical flask. This pulls the water in the bent tube further up.





                                 [Space for diagram]

19 August 2023

To determine the pH of the given soil samples


Experiment No. ____                          Date______

Aim: To determine the pH of the given soil samples

Principle: pH is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It can be determined using pH indicators.

Materials Required: Soil samples, weighing balance, test tubes, watch glass, distilled water, pH paper, pH chart


1.      Weigh 1 gm of the soil sample and put it in a test tube.

2.      Add 5 ml of distilled water in the test tube and shake the mixture.

3.      Allow it to settle for 5 minutes.

4.      Pour a few drops of the water from the upper layer into a clean watch glass.

5.      Dip a pH paper into this sample in the watch glass; and match the colour with the pH chart.

6.      Note the reading.

Observation Table:

Sr no.

Soil Sample



Garden soil



Road side soil



Pond side soil



Result: pH of different soil types is different.

16 August 2023

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

 Experiment no.                             Date: ____________


Object: To describe the given flower in semi-botanical language

1.     China Rose / Shoe Flower

Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Family: Malvaceae   


Floral Characters

Flower: Bracteate, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous, red

Epicalyx: 3-8 bracteoles, separate, valvate, inferior, green  

Calyx: 5 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate, green, persistant

Corolla: 5 petals, polypetalous, twisted, clawed,

Androecium: Infinite stamens, monoadelphous, epipetalous, anther reniform, stamina tube around gynoecium

Gynoecium: Pentacarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary, placentation axile, long style passing through stamina tube

Fruit: Capsule

Floral Formula:   Br


Family Identification

1.     Presence of mucus

2.     Kidney shaped anthers

3.     Presence of epicalyx

4.     Monoadelphous, infinite stamen

5.     Fruit capsule



Division: Phanerogames

Subdivision: Angiospermy

Class: Dicotyledons

Subclass: Polypetalae

Category: Thalamiflorae

Order: Malvales    

Family: Malvaceae  

12 August 2023

Wild Indigo Tephrosea purpurea

 Experiment no. 4               Date: ____________

Object: To describe the given flower in semi-botanical language

1.     Wild Indigo

Botanical name: Tephrosea purpurea

Family: Leguminosae or Fabaceae  

 Floral Characters

Flower: Bracteate, bisexual, zygomorphic, papillionaceous, pink or purple

Calyx: 5 sepals, gamosepalous, valvate, light green

Corolla: 5 petals, polypetalous, papillionaceous petals:outer long petal standard, two lateral petals wings and two lower boat-shaped petals keel, vexillary aestivation

Androecium: 10 stamens, diadelphous (9)+1, nine fuse to form tube near ovary, anther bilobed , introse  

Gynoecium: Monocarpellary, unilocular, superior ovary, placentation marginal, many ovules

Fruit: Legume pod

Floral Formula:    


Family Identification

1.     Flower zygpmorphic papillionaceous

2.     Diadelphous stamen

3.     Marginal placentation

4.     Inferior ovary

5.     Fruit legume



Division: Phanerogames

Subdivision: Angiospermy

Class: Dicotyledons

Subclass: Polypetalae

Category: Calcaciflorae

Order: Rosales    

Family: Fabaceae





[Tephrosea purpurea]